The Integrated Rural Development Foundation, Incorporated (IRDF) is a national NGO that advocates and promotes people-centered sustainable development through a multi-sector approach in rural development anchored on promoting food security, food sovereignty and social and environmental justice to enable the poor to have greater access to and control of their resources.


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IRDF works with poor farmers, municipal fisherfolks, indigenous peoples’ communities, women, NGOs, local government, academia, and other development institutions to implement its programs. It engages in policy advocacy and campaigns at the national and international level, and conducts organizing and capacity-building of communities and basic sector organizations at the local level.


IRDF envisions a socially just, equitable, sovereign, progressive, sustainable and gender fair Philippine society where Filipinos are enjoying their basic and fundamental human rights.


IRDF’s mission is to contribute to the economic, social, and cultural empowerment of the rural poor by enhancing their access to and control of their land, water, seeds, capital and natural resources and uplifting their social and economic condition.

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