A Three- Year Project Aims to Transform Industry Practices and Safeguard Children’s Rights

In a groundbreaking collaboration, the Integrated Rural Development Foundation, Inc. (IRDF) and CORDAID have embarked on a transformative journey to protect the rights of children in the Philippine coconut oil industry. The joint initiative, titled “Protecting the Rights of Children in Coconut Oil Industry in the Philippines,” spans a three-year timeline from 2022 to 2025, targeting key issues such as child labor, access to education, and empowerment of smallholder coconut farmers.

Addressing Critical Child Labor Concerns

Child labor has long been a pressing concern in the Philippine coconut oil industry, impacting the lives of vulnerable children and hindering their access to education. The IRDF and CORDAID initiative recognizes the urgency of this issue and incorporates strategic measures to comprehensively address child labor, fostering a sustainable and inclusive approach.

Foundations of Collaboration.

At the heart of this collaboration are shared vision and values. Both IRDF and CORDAID are driven by a commitment to sustainable development, social justice, and community well-being. This partnership leverages the strengths of both organizations, combining global development expertise from CORDAID with IRDF’s deep-rooted local knowledge.

Strategic Implementation for Holistic Change

The collaboration ensures coordinated implementation, orchestrating efforts to tackle multifaceted challenges in the coconut oil industry seamlessly. By establishing community-based Child Labor Monitoring Systems (CLMS), the organizations aim to advocate for stronger implementation of laws against child labor, as well as support the development of referral systems for children’s psychosocial support and health services.

Empowering Smallholder Farmers

Recognizing the pivotal role of smallholder coconut farmers, CORDAID collaborates with IRDF to build their capacity. The joint efforts include organizing farmers into groups, providing training on Good Agricultural Practices, and facilitating access to financing and shared facilities for copra drying and storage. The objective is to empower farmers and uplift the entire community.

Aligned Objectives for Sustainable Impact

The collaboration ensures alignment with international standards and best practices in addressing child labor and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. IRDF and CORDAID work cohesively to achieve the project’s objectives, laying the groundwork for lasting positive change in targeted communities.

Hopeful Future for the Industry

As the project unfolds, IRDF and CORDAID stand as a powerful alliance dedicated to transforming the Philippine coconut oil industry. Their collaborative efforts exemplify the potential for meaningful and lasting impact, providing a beacon of hope for vulnerable communities. The initiative not only addresses immediate challenges but also sets the stage for a more sustainable and inclusive future.

For more information or inquiries, Please contact Integrated Rural Development Foundation, at (02) 8931-5452 or via email at irdofficial@gmail.com. Visit their website at https://irdf.org.ph/contact-us/ and follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/irdf.org.ph.

Domingo Jojo Ibanez Jr
IRDF Mindanao