We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to you with a heavy heart, compelled by the urgent and devastating situation unfolding in Maguindanao del Norte following a catastrophic flash flood on July 9, 2024.
Maguindanao del Norte, nestled in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), is home to vibrant communities along extensive river systems like the Mindanao River and its tributaries. Sadly, these lifelines have turned into sources of tragedy due to the severe flash flood that struck the Municipality of Matanog, affecting numerous barangays including Barangay Sapad and Barangay Bugasan Sur.
The torrential rains from a severe thunderstorm unleashed a deluge from 2 PM to 9 PM, causing the rivers to swell beyond capacity. The floodwaters surged through homes, schools, and vital infrastructure, leaving a devastation trail behind. Lives were lost, families displaced, and livelihoods shattered. As of our latest assessment, the disaster has claimed four lives, left nineteen injured, and one person remains missing. Over 800 families are heavily affected, with thousands more facing partial losses of homes and livelihoods.
The financial toll is staggering, with estimated damages amounting to millions. Immediate humanitarian needs are dire. Families urgently require food, clothing, medical supplies, hygiene kits, temporary shelter, and essentials to survive and begin rebuilding their lives. Our team on the ground has mobilized search, rescue, and relief operations, distributing essential supplies to affected households and establishing evacuation centers to provide shelter and support.
In response to this crisis, the Integrated Rural Development Foundation (IRDF) has launched emergency relief efforts. Our dedicated teams have been working tirelessly to provide immediate assistance and coordinate response efforts with local authorities and partner organizations. However, the scale of this disaster exceeds our current capabilities, and we urgently need your support.
Your generous contribution will make a profound difference in the lives of those affected by this tragedy. Every donation, whether in monetary form or essential goods, will help provide critical relief, restore hope, and support long-term recovery efforts. Together, we can provide comfort to those who have lost so much and help them rebuild their communities stronger than before.
We appeal to your compassion and generosity during this critical time. Please join us in extending a helping hand to the resilient people of Maguindanao del Norte as they navigate through this heartbreaking ordeal.
To learn more about contributing or to discuss partnership opportunities, please contact us at irdfofficial@gmail.com or visit our website at irdf.org.ph. For immediate contact please call directly Ms. Loraine Joy Reformina @ Mobile No. 09972459993.
Thank you for your consideration and support. Every act of kindness and support counts; together, we can make a difference.